Project FEED4FOOD: "Vulnerable communities driving innovation and governance for sustainable food systems in European cities". European Partnerships - Driving Urban Transitions - Sustainable future for cities (EP/DUT/0922/0001). Coordinator Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Host Organization (HO) for the Cypriot consortium and WP leader.
Project TakeOff: "Translating new Approaches & Knowledge into EnvirOnmentally Friendly Farming" - ERASMUS+ (2021-2-CY01-KA210-VET-000048986). Coordinator Open University of Cyprus www.takeoff.cy/. Responsible for creating vocational education and training material.
Project MiDiVine: “Innovative Approaches Promoting Functional Microbial Diversity for a Sustainable Grapevine Health and Productivity in Vineyard Systems of Mediterranean areas” - Coordinator University of Reims https://www.univ-reims.fr/MiDiVine
Leader for the Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact of the project.
Impact Assessment for the project LIFE FOODPRINT - https://www.foodprintcy.eu/
Experience from previous roles (selected)
EcoWinery: "Eco-innovation for the production of low environmental footprint wine" RESTART 2016 – 2020 (EXCELLENCE/1216/0279); https://www.sustagric.com/ecowinery.html. Project coordinated by Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) Sustainable Agriculture Group (SAG). Duration: 4/2019-10/2021.
EnVeROS: "Environmental Education through Roadkill Observation Systems" ERASMUS+ KA2 (2018-1-CY01-KA204-046919); www.enveros.eu/. Project coordinated by Open University of Cyprus (OUC); Terrestrial Ecosystems Management Lab (TemLab). Duration: 10/2018-9/2020.
WaSec: "Enhancing Water Security and Socio-economic Development in the Eastern Mediterranean under Climate Change" ERASMUS+ KA2 (EAC-A05-2017). Duration: 12/2018-11/2021. Supporting the work of OUC in the project (TemLab).
AGROLABS: "AgroFood Innovation Clusters". Co-financed by Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg Balkan - Mediterranean 2014 - 2020. http://www.interreg-balkanmed.eu/approved-project/31/. Supporting the work of Cyprus University of Technology (CUT; Hydro-Aromatic Plants Group).
GENOMITE project: New generation sustainable tools to control emerging pests under climate change (KOINA/ΠΚΠ-FACCE/1013/10/GENOMITE). http://www.accaf.inra.fr/en/Actions-and-Projects/adaptation_animal_plant_health/GenoMite. Supporting the work of CUT, Sustainable Agriculture Group.
Project FEED4FOOD: "Vulnerable communities driving innovation and governance for sustainable food systems in European cities". European Partnerships - Driving Urban Transitions - Sustainable future for cities (EP/DUT/0922/0001). Coordinator Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Host Organization (HO) for the Cypriot consortium and WP leader.
Project TakeOff: "Translating new Approaches & Knowledge into EnvirOnmentally Friendly Farming" - ERASMUS+ (2021-2-CY01-KA210-VET-000048986). Coordinator Open University of Cyprus www.takeoff.cy/. Responsible for creating vocational education and training material.
Project MiDiVine: “Innovative Approaches Promoting Functional Microbial Diversity for a Sustainable Grapevine Health and Productivity in Vineyard Systems of Mediterranean areas” - Coordinator University of Reims https://www.univ-reims.fr/MiDiVine
Leader for the Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact of the project.
Impact Assessment for the project LIFE FOODPRINT - https://www.foodprintcy.eu/
Experience from previous roles (selected)
EcoWinery: "Eco-innovation for the production of low environmental footprint wine" RESTART 2016 – 2020 (EXCELLENCE/1216/0279); https://www.sustagric.com/ecowinery.html. Project coordinated by Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) Sustainable Agriculture Group (SAG). Duration: 4/2019-10/2021.
EnVeROS: "Environmental Education through Roadkill Observation Systems" ERASMUS+ KA2 (2018-1-CY01-KA204-046919); www.enveros.eu/. Project coordinated by Open University of Cyprus (OUC); Terrestrial Ecosystems Management Lab (TemLab). Duration: 10/2018-9/2020.
WaSec: "Enhancing Water Security and Socio-economic Development in the Eastern Mediterranean under Climate Change" ERASMUS+ KA2 (EAC-A05-2017). Duration: 12/2018-11/2021. Supporting the work of OUC in the project (TemLab).
AGROLABS: "AgroFood Innovation Clusters". Co-financed by Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg Balkan - Mediterranean 2014 - 2020. http://www.interreg-balkanmed.eu/approved-project/31/. Supporting the work of Cyprus University of Technology (CUT; Hydro-Aromatic Plants Group).
GENOMITE project: New generation sustainable tools to control emerging pests under climate change (KOINA/ΠΚΠ-FACCE/1013/10/GENOMITE). http://www.accaf.inra.fr/en/Actions-and-Projects/adaptation_animal_plant_health/GenoMite. Supporting the work of CUT, Sustainable Agriculture Group.